
Brace Yourself For Invisalign and Dental Implants

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A person's teeth are important to them for many reasons both socially and practically. It's important to take care of them, but occasionally there are times when they need a little help. The days of embarrassing metal braces are over and Invisalign is now a popular alternative for many people. Dental implants can help make sure your teeth stay healthy and strong. They have both become important parts of tooth care and repair. The Invisalign Revolution Many adults grew up fearing the day when their parents would require them to wear large clunky braces. Modern orthodontics allow people to have nearly invisible braces thanks to Invisalign. When teeth are crooked and need to be reshaped, patients can sit back and simply use a series of Invisalign aligners that slowly shift the teeth into place. The patient comes into the doctor's office and is fitted to the Invisalign aligners. Each Invisalign aligner is made just for you and can help you transform your teeth into the perfect shape. You simply wear the removable aligner and after a time, you switch out that aligner for a new one. Each new Invisalign aligner brings the teeth a little closer to where they belong. Invisalign requires the patience and determination of the person wearing them to work properly. You must follow all the rules including taking them out when eating and making sure to put them back in when required. Saving Teeth With Dental Implants Dental implants are surgically implanted in a person's jaw or skull as a way to add support to existing dental work such as crowns and bridges or to be an orthodontic anchor. If you have a few teeth knocked out, then the doctor may use dental implants to replace them. They can also be placed below dentures as a way to secure them to the jaw. Dental implants have become an integral part of supporting various dental procedures. They can be permanently fixed or in the case of dentures, the implant can be disconnected from what it anchors. For people that require facial restructuring such as after a car accident, dental implants can be a way to artificially create the look of a normal jawline and teeth. Whether dental implants are right for you, depends on the health of your teeth and gums. Bad oral hygiene, smoking and diabetes can lead to various problems including gum disease. Also, some diseases as well as steroid use can cause a failure of the implant.

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Disadvantages of Invisalign

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Invisalign is considered a revolutionary device for those who want a straighter set of teeth. With these invisible braces, one doesn't have to undergo several months or years of discomfort in wearing metal braces. The advantages alone of invisible braces keep people choosing it over the other. Imagine the promise of having removable, clear braces while your teeth is being straightened into place. This promise is not without its caveats. One advantage of invisible braces is the fact that it can be a non-permanent device. This means you can remove them whenever you like, although your dentist will strongly advise against removing them if you're not eating. This also means that it is not as tight-fitting on your teeth as regular metal braces would be, resulting in a longer treatment time. It's impossible to say the ratio, but invisible brace treatment usually lasts two times longer than traditional brace treatment. Another advantage of such braces is that they are invisible. This is perhaps the single most important reason why more people tend to choose Invisalign treatments; so they don't have to look hideous while their teeth are being straightened. However, invisible braces aren't entirely invisible. It will still be noticeable, especially when light reflects off of it. Once everyone you know knows that you have these braces, there's no guarantee that people will treat you differently than if you were wearing metal braces. Choosing an invisible brace over a metal one doesn't necessarily mean you are more comfortable with them. There are a lot of minor problems that come with it. For instance, they still push your teeth together to create that better smile. That doesn't come without discomfort. Also, while maintenance isn't that difficult, you still have to maintain your braces as opposed to metal braces that require little to no maintenance as long as you're observing proper dental hygiene. All in all, these braces aren't perfect. They offer a very good alternative to those who want to have better teeth but do not want to undergo wearing metal braces. You just have to understand that each treatment method has its own pros and cons. If you're still torn between the two, simply decide which cons you can live with. For instance, if you can live with the minor problems that these braces have, there is no reason why you shouldn't pursue it. Just be sure you have "okay" teeth, as invisible braces aren't really recommended for those with really bad teeth.

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Invisalign Treatment: Straighten Teeth Without Braces

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Even a teenager would agree that having a smile filled with nice straight teeth is a wonderful concept. However, the idea of wearing traditional bracket and wire braces for two years to achieve straight teeth is much harder to get agreement on. Teens dread wearing braces - and for them it makes awkward moments that are natural for teens to experience, even more awkward.Not only does food get trapped in the brackets and wires, making it very uncomfortable for the wearer, but it can lead to plaque accumulation and increased potential for tooth decay. For adults working as professionals, traditional braces are even less feasible. Thankfully, there is a solution to teeth straightening without the wires and brackets! Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear, removable aligners that snap into place on the teeth and with slow pressure, move the teeth overtime to the desired place. Since the aligners are removable, you can continue eating, brushing and flossing your teeth the way you normally do! Invisalign Process Look for a dentist who is a Certified Invisalign Provider. The process starts with a consultation in which your Invisalign Certified dentist will determine if you are a good candidate for the treatment. In some complex orthodontic cases traditional braces may still be recommended. If you are a good candidate for Invisalign, your dentist will discuss the process as well as the financial obligation and you'll be prepared to make your decision. Getting started with Invisalign Your Invisalign dentist will begin by taking impressions of your teeth and creating a digital 3-D image of your bite. From these images your dentist can begin to map out a precise treatment plan. From this digital representation, you will be able to see how your teeth will look at each stage of the treatment. Once this is done, it's time to order your custom-made aligners and get started on the treatment! What are Invisalign aligners? The Invisalign lab will construct your custom-made aligners based on your teeth impressions and your individual treatment plan. Unlike metal braces which often irritate the inside of cheeks and gums, Invisalign aligners are made of a comfortable to wear BPA-free plastic. Simply wear the aligners throughout the day and at night while you sleep. You are free to remove the aligners for up to 2 hours per day. So when you eat or brush and floss your teeth - give a speech or are about to say your wedding vows, go ahead and remove the aligners! By wearing your aligners, your teeth gently and gradually begin to move into a proper straight and healthy position. Best of all, people around you won't even notice you're undergoing an orthodontic treatment - since the aligners are virtually invisible. How often do I need check-ups during Invisalign? Most people assume that they will have constant dental appointments while doing Invisalign. Nothing could be further from the truth. About every six weeks it is recommended to visit your dentist for a check-up. How often do I change aligners? Approximately every two weeks, you will wear a new set of aligners, advancing you to the next stage of your treatment. Unlike traditional braces where you only see the results at the end, you get to see how much closer you are to having the healthier and straighter smile that reflects the smile you've dreamed of at every point in the process. How long is the entire Invisalign treatment? Invisalign treatments typically last approximately one year for adults. For teens, the length of treatment is similar to that of braces, up to 2 years - but won't feel as long. Since your teen's teeth won't be covered by wires and brackets, progress will be visible much sooner and motivation is built into the process. Part of the responsibility is up to you. For optimal progress, Invisalign aligners need to be worn for 22 hours per day throughout the entire treatment. Wearing the aligners less than this can delay your success.

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Invisalign Treatments and Their Effects On Your Habits

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Invisalign treatments, for all the praises it received and popularity garnered, are not without their hindrances. Yes, the clear braces are virtually invisible. The teenager can go on his teenage life without being picked on for having wired teeth. The adult can go to work knowing that not a lot of people will notice he's wearing fake teeth on top of his real one. While invisible braces tend to be more comfortable than the metal braces, there are a few habits that its wearer has to get used to. For one, eating has to be scheduled. While invisible braces are removable, it is not a pleasant experience. It's more of a hassle, really, and the longer you have it off the less it becomes effective. That being said, you will want to schedule your eating habits. While you can carry on with your three-meal-a-day schedule, you'll find that snacking in between meals is more of a bother. So if you have a habit of snacking, you either abandon it or have to deal with removing your clear aligner. For some, it's an annoyance that they can live with until treatment time is over. For others, it's a good way to diet and get back in shape. Another habit that might be forced on you is brushing. If you rarely brush at all, you will want to. If you brush three times a day, you'll have to consider bumping that number up to five. This is for two reasons. First is that you will want to have brushed your teeth before snapping on your aligners so any food morsels will not get stuck on your teeth and cause tooth decay. Another reason is for keeping your breath fresh. Clear aligners tend to contribute to bad breath because of the drying of mouth so you'll want to brush or gargle mouthwash regularly. Finally, as the mouth tends to dry out due to the saliva getting caught up by your dental tray, water intake should be increased. If you are a heavy water-drinker, then this should be no problem. If you are not fond of liquid intake, however, you may want to change that habit else you end up with dry mouth and a stinky breath. On your first few weeks with invisible braces, there are a lot of habits that you'll need to change. After your first months, you should be able to get used to them. Just slug it out and you'll have a straighter smile once everything's done.

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Invisalign Treatments and Their Effects On Your Social Life

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Thinking of getting an Invisalign treatment to straighten your teeth? No doubt you've heard all about it and its benefits. That it is not as painful as the old way of the metal braces. That it is more aesthetically pleasing due to it being "invisible." No doubt you've also heard of the drawbacks, such as the potential to take a longer time for your teeth to be straightened as compared to the metal brace. While the procedure involves less pain than its old counterpart, it doesn't come without it. But there more effects of Invisalign besides the discomfort you initially experience. For one, it may affect your social life. For one, invisible braces are pretty much plastic teeth that covers the whole set of your real ones. While these are pretty much invisible to those who aren't staring at it, you will receive comments on how fake they look once they're noticed. The aligners emit a certain shine that real teeth don't have, especially when sunlight reflects off of them. At any rate, you may initially get teased by your closest friends; but it will blow over. While you're still getting used to these trays, you may have a hard time speaking normally at first. You may end up with a small lisp, and will be the butt of jokes between your cliques. Your S and Th sounds will be the same, and your friends will not be able to tell the difference between your F and V sounds. Still, with a little practice, you can start speaking normally after a few days. The clear aligners will be covering the whole of your teeth, and will collect a lot of saliva. You may be surprised and find yourself grossed out with the amount of saliva they gather, so you'll want to take off your braces in the restroom before you have a hearty meal. While getting used to seeing drool on your Invisalign trays doesn't take long, you may find yourself getting too self-conscious with another effect of saliva collection: bad breath. As most of your saliva will be collected on your brace trays, your mouth will dry up often. This makes your breath smell like you just woke up all the time. Simply put, while Invisalign treatments are a lot more comfortable, they are not without their share of drawbacks. Just brush a lot more, and your social life won't suffer as much.

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What You Should Know About Invisalign Before Getting It Done

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It is easy enough to sign up for a procedure that can change your life forever but what isn't easy is seeing that the results you were expecting fell short of your expectations. Even worse is the fact that you need to have it re-done all over again, costing you more than what you bargained for and leaving you a very unhappy customer. There is nothing worse than regretting doing something and then not really having great options on how to fix it. This is the feeling that you want to avoid when it comes to making life-changing decisions, such as one that has something to do with changing your appearance. Remember that how you look doesn't really matter but if you are self-conscious about it and think that you are better off hiding under a rock than facing people, then you need to do something about it - fast. Among the many things people gripe about is their smile. Some are so embarrassed about their crooked or discolored teeth that they cover their mouths when they laugh or adopt a poker face every time they need to have their photographs taken or hardly ever smile at people they meet. No one really wants to live like this, do they? So it was really no surprise when the option of getting your teeth straightened without anybody actually knowing you were having it done was a very welcome concept. There is always a point in everybody's life when they wished they could be invisible even for a day. Well, that concept of invisibility now extends to the idea that you can actually get some sort of treatment without anybody knowing you were undergoing one. In the old days, when the dentist decides that you needed metal braces to get those teeth back in line, you cringed inwardly because you know what's coming next - being nicknamed Metal Mouth and considering not travelling anywhere there's a metal detector for fear you would set it ringing and then everybody will be staring at you, making you wish the ground would open up and swallow you whole. But that was then this is now. When getting Invisalign done, obviously the first thing you need to do is find out whether you are qualified for it and to do that you need to consult an orthodontist. While your first instinct may be to consult a general practitioner, it is best to consult an orthodontist because they have more experience and will be better qualified to address your problem. The next thing you need to know is that you won't be able to find good Invisalign treatments that are less than $5,000, not unless you only need 10 aligners or less. If you have dental insurance, you may want to check if they can cover at least half so that it is more affordable for you. Never make price your major consideration as you need to think long-term results. Complete commitment is what you need to possess if you are going to opt for Invisalign treatments. When you have to wear a rubber brace over your teeth for 22 hours a day, only removing it when you need to eat, brush or sleep and visiting the dentist every two weeks to get them replaced, you need to be a paragon of patience. Nothing ever worth having is easy to get so if you want a perfect smile, you need to do everything that the dentist tells you to do. And lastly, be prepared to wear them for the long haul, particularly if your dental problem is quite severe. Just because it seems easy and looks quite good on you doesn't mean you can just wear it and take it off whenever you want to, even when you aren't supposed to. If you care about getting the results you want then you need to put in the work and keep it on when you have to so that all your hard-earned cash doesn't go to waste.

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Who Can't Use Invisalign?

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Invisalign is the successor to the long-reigning method of straightening teeth, metal braces. One reason that it has become so popular is the fact that instead of wearing wires on your teeth, you get to slip on a clear aligner. This doesn't just give you an advantage in terms of aesthetics seeing as it is barely noticeable. It also works just as well as the traditional brace, with a few limitations. At any rate, there are tons of benefits of Invisalign treatments as opposed to the wearing of a metal brace. For one, the wearer is able to remove them at will; although preferably only during meals and brushing teeth. Other benefits include being on a strict diet due to the fact that tray removal is a bit of a bother to do, so wearers typically don't snack and/or eat less thereby allowing them to lose weight. There are certain disadvantages, too. One would be the fact that the dental trays usually end up filled with drool when removed. Dry mouth is also a common complaint, although it can be remedied by constant access to drinking water. Perhaps the most common misconception and the worst disadvantage of invisible brace treatment is the fact that it's not for everyone. Just like metal braces, Invisalign treatments are mostly for cosmetic purposes. Having straighter teeth is its greatest selling point, with fixing bite and overall teeth position coming in close second. As for other limitations, Invisalign treatments generally only fix minor issues with teeth alignment. For instance, with a tooth or a set of teeth that sticks outward, a metal brace would be a more ideal dental procedure as they have the ability to pull the teeth back. This isn't to say that minor angular issues can't be fixed with Invisalign, but a greater outward angle of teeth will have better results with metal braces. If you need your teeth straightened but there's one that sticks outward, don't fret. Sometimes your dentist will begin with a metal brace to deal with that one tooth, then proceed with the Invisalign treatment to straighten everything at once. To put it simply, those with crooked teeth are good candidates for Invisalign treatments. For those that have cracked, chipped, and just overall damaged and unhealthy teeth, there are other methods. Veneers, for instance, are great solutions for chipped teeth. Dentures and implants are better for those with missing teeth. Contact your dentist to see which procedure is best for you.

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