
Brace Yourself For Invisalign and Dental Implants

A person's teeth are important to them for many reasons both socially and practically. It's important to take care of them, but occasionally there are times when they need a little help. The days of embarrassing metal braces are over and Invisalign is now a popular alternative for many people. Dental implants can help make sure your teeth stay healthy and strong. They have both become important parts of tooth care and repair. The Invisalign Revolution Many adults grew up fearing the day when their parents would require them to wear large clunky braces. Modern orthodontics allow people to have nearly invisible braces thanks to Invisalign. When teeth are crooked and need to be reshaped, patients can sit back and simply use a series of Invisalign aligners that slowly shift the teeth into place. The patient comes into the doctor's office and is fitted to the Invisalign aligners. Each Invisalign aligner is made just for you and can help you transform your teeth into the perfect shape. You simply wear the removable aligner and after a time, you switch out that aligner for a new one. Each new Invisalign aligner brings the teeth a little closer to where they belong. Invisalign requires the patience and determination of the person wearing them to work properly. You must follow all the rules including taking them out when eating and making sure to put them back in when required. Saving Teeth With Dental Implants Dental implants are surgically implanted in a person's jaw or skull as a way to add support to existing dental work such as crowns and bridges or to be an orthodontic anchor. If you have a few teeth knocked out, then the doctor may use dental implants to replace them. They can also be placed below dentures as a way to secure them to the jaw. Dental implants have become an integral part of supporting various dental procedures. They can be permanently fixed or in the case of dentures, the implant can be disconnected from what it anchors. For people that require facial restructuring such as after a car accident, dental implants can be a way to artificially create the look of a normal jawline and teeth. Whether dental implants are right for you, depends on the health of your teeth and gums. Bad oral hygiene, smoking and diabetes can lead to various problems including gum disease. Also, some diseases as well as steroid use can cause a failure of the implant.

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